Blessed Are You in Your Coming
We learn from our ancestor Abraham to welcome the guest: “He lifted up his eyes and saw three men standing opposite him; when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the door of the tent and bowed low to the earth…’Pass not away from your servant….wash your feet and recline under a tree and I will fetch a morsel of bread’…..” Gen 18:2-3
Sarah hastened to make ‘cakes’ and a feast was prepared for the strangers, who, by the way, turned out to be angels. How WE are blessed when we take people into our homes, share meals and conversation, face to face, making memories, encountering angels.
This newest painting states the ancient blessing, uttered by Moses (Deut 28:6)
but this time in the Hebrew feminine.
It comes in three sizes, suitable for the front door, or hang on the wall: 8.5x11” $65.00, or 14 x 19” $250. Other sizes can be special ordered.
It also works as a card for births, weddings, going off to college, moving, housewarming, and even as a condolence card.