Cover Mapping the Journey:The Mourner & The Soul
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Comforting the Mourner
Along with this blessing of life, we must endure the loss of death. As we age, our denial of the limit of our own lives thins. This most challenging reality of life can be overwhelming and bewildering. We could use a map. I have created just such a map that helps in understanding that grief is a process that has a direction, and our Jewish traditions are our navigational guides.
The book is light on words, and heavy on images. It describes the grief process through the first year in Jewish time as geographical way stations. The map shows not only the experiences of the mourner, but also the whereabouts of the soul. It is meant to comfort the mourner and to illustrate the wisdom of our tradition.
“The book by Rabbi Me’irah Iliinsky is a treasure, both visually & verbally. Its images & words evoke and invite in a way that is both simple and deep - a powerful combination.”
“I was pleasantly surprised at the artistic approach to this experience, the power of symbolism.”